I couldn’t recommend the “Impact Measurement & Management for the SDGs” course enough – I came in at 92.68% 😀 the learning is nuanced, easy to follow and simplifies a potentially immensely complex range of considerations and operational elements, presented in a step by step guide to action. Big thanks to Catherine Clark, the United Nations Sustainable Development Group and Duke University for putting it together.
The completion page quoted Brian Trelstad of Bridges Fund Management Ltd. and Harvard Business School saying “All new impact investors should take this training to get down the learning curve incredibly quickly. The work that CASE has been doing and the work that the IMP has been doing has really distilled not just the last 15 years, but probably the last 50 years of thinking about how to measure and understand Impact.”
Personally, as a strategy and communications advisor to a variety of investment fund CEO’s, investees and ecosystem partners, the risk of doing comms badly in a world of shareholder activism and personal director liability cannot be underestimated. What you say, how you say it, when and to whom is too important to be left as an after thought or relegated to the marketing department.
More so, there is tremendous opportunity to lead your industry, achieve the impact you seek, support your investees to get traction and generate returns, gain follow on investment from larger supporters and generally not mess it up, by integrating a strategic communications approach and considering the functions of my Investor Engagement System™ from day 1.