I spent two days at Open Channel at their recent Generation Next conference “Creating Content in the YouTube Generation”
It was back to back panels and speakers, a definite stand out was seeing the following folks lined up next to each other.
Left to right
David Redman, Producer, Redman Entertainments
Katy Roberts, Producer, VICE Media (Melbourne)
Elizabeth Ferdon, YouTube Business Development (San Francisco)
Jon Casimir, Head of Entertainment at ABC TV
Maryanne Carroll, Executive Producer – Comedy, Channel Seven
Stuart Menzies, former Head of Content and Creative Development at ABC
Jenni Tosi, CEO, Film Victoria
It’s always handy to sit near the front for taking quick snaps of things that spark your interest
It was an excellent conference – hearing on the first day that as you walk by digital signs at Highpoint Shopping Centre they use an inbuilt camera to detect your age bracket and gender, then serve up a relevant advert was an interesting moment.