Speaking at the GSG Global Impact Summit

I’m pleased to be speaking at and moderating ‘Technology and Impact: An entrepreneurial perspective’ (Breakout 3E) at the upcoming The Global Steering Group for Impact Investment (GSG) summit, and sharing the stage with three insightful leaders, Andrea Pereira, Co-Founder of GiveBack – Sustainability Made EasyIker Marcaide, Founder of the Zubi Group and Vanessa Kacherginsky, CEO of The Israeli Forum for Impact Economy Economy.

You’ll find us in the Exhibition Room, as part of the Building Impact Economies theme, and we will be finishing up the first day prior to networking drinks, the session starting at 5:05 pm (which is practically lunchtime because it’s Spain, right? 😉 ) ! 

As the session reads; “.. Too often, impact investing focuses on the supply of capital. This session will focus on the demand for capital. How well are entrepreneurs and business builders served by investors? What do impact entrepreneurs and growing companies need in order to build their businesses and deliver positive impact? ..”

I can already see many ways to take the conversation, and if you have any burning questions, feel free to reach out to me or suggest in a comment! 

If you aren’t yet registered, join the four of us and 1000+ impact leaders, investors, philanthropists, businesses, entrepreneurs, banks, and policymakers at the world’s premier impact convening.

Beyond networking and enjoying Malaga, we will exchange innovative ideas and plan how to replicate innovative best practices at scale in three areas:

· Mobilising capital for people and planet, where it is most needed
· Achieving full transparency in measuring impacts
· Accelerating impact and social economies

I look forward to seeing you at the #GSGSummit.

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