Have you got a global audience for your Hula Hooping prowess? How about for teaching the skills of dry needling, or effecting positive change with how people handle their waste at festivals known around the world? These are a few of the things we have been working on since January and some even more exciting projects are lurking around in the ‘confidential’ pre-launch status! Explaining what Bravo Charlie actually does has always been a one to one process and my hope is that in two weeks, you will be able to understand and share it with folks who may be interested thanks to our new introductory video.
The chopper has flown, the steadicam has moved, the audio engineer recorded and the production assistant reflected beautifully – the 3d modellers are working away on the introductory graphics and then with a few more tweaks to sound mix and some post-production software stabilisation, we are ready to launch.
A big thank you to all of the professionals involved in bringing my concept for the new https://www.bravocharlie.global/ introduction to life:
Steadicam / RED Operator – Matthew Scott @ Matt Scott Visuals
Sound – Martin Kay @ Mountain Black Sound
Hexacopter operation c/o Adam and Luke @ ARK RC
Production assistance and reflection c/o Mazz Marsden
Yury Avi @ Yuavi Photography
– Philip Bateman