22nd of January, 2016 – that would be the 7th birthday of Bravo Charlie! Thank you for your ongoing support;
Our 6th year of operation included documenting businesses, their customers and projects from Melbourne to Cairns, North America, Malaysia, Vietnam and our first time in China through Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and Changzhou. We even snuck in a few weeks of language study 🙂
To all of our clients that have trusted in myself, Marian and the team we bring to develop a business development strategy for you, then capture and craft your stories in powerful ways that benefit your businesses, thank you!
To the advisers and consultants who refer folks to us, those who work tirelessly in various Government programs and departments, then those who go on to talk about the power of the media we have created for them, thank you!
It is a fascinating, challenging and rewarding journey – one we are both pleased to be a part of.
I would also like to thank the members of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, the Australian Cinematographers Society and my fellow students at the Swinburne Masters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation program, who have been so welcoming this past two years and taken the time to share their experience and knowledge with me.
If you don’t know what we do and haven’t seen it yet, please watch our short video recorded in 2014 below and visit https://www.bravocharlie.global
I’m looking forward to 2016 and our 7th year!!
Are you proud of what you do? Contact me to see how we can document it in a way that has a positive commercial impact for your organisation 🙂