Hey you, Victorian (Australian?) resident making 2 tons of waste per year, that figure isn’t going down I’m told it’s going up?! The word is Melbourne’s population of 3.5 million is on a trajectory to hit 8 million by 2050, unprecedented for developed cities as a growth percentage – and we have one of the largest foot prints of a city anywhere in the world – this growth means we have more in common with developing nations than developed ones from an infrastructure perspective*.
Back to those 2 tons a year..
Did you know the majority of European cities are putting 0 to 2% (that’s zero to two percent) of recyclable material into their landfills? What do you think the Australian percentage is? 40? 50? It’s 90%.
Not only do we produce more trash per person than the vast majority of our first world counter parts, our national waste management is such 90% of our waste goes unrecovered and gets stuck in the ground ‘as is’.
So.. Whilst this is an awesome truck (pictured below), which you can acquire yourself c/o wastech.com.au (and Ken Russ, pictured), looking after our society for now and the future starts with your purchasing decisions, then it ends with your level of awareness and relevant expectation of the way council and private enterprise process *your* waste.
Get involved? Learn a little, do your part, waste less, start a conversation with people around you 🙂
*information sourced from an opening address by Lord Mayor Robert Doyle and CEO of Sustainability Victoria, Stan Krpan.
As an aside, great to see Steinert with a beautiful booth at the Waste and Recycling Expo, featuring video content we made with them! 🙂
1 day left (8 Oct) of http://www.wasteexpo.com.au/ for 2015 – get to MCEC!