Argyle Water Partners

2022 and 2024
Argyle are one of Australia’s largest water investment managers, and I supported the Chairman in articulating, documenting and sharing their proposition, including visiting investees and clients in three states of Australia. The material was successfully used in securing several hundred million dollars, and continues to be leveraged.

The website, videos and document are headlined by the publicly accessible video shown below;

The investor companion document turned out beautifully, and can be accessed by clicking here or the integration of the updated design, background video graphics and general communications uplift can be seen by visiting

The Argyle website

“.. It’s been really fantastic, you’ve certainly been able to encourage us to tell our story, and we’ve got footage of what happens in agriculture.  Oftentimes we find the biggest challenge is trying to convey that to people in cities who don’t get the opportunity to get out of here. 

Your Q and A interview style is really helpful, especially for people in our team and even the farmers we’ve interviewed – it’s not natural for them to be in front of a camera, and that’s certainly helped them to be able to communicate, tell their story and get the information out without feeling that they’re pressured by some script they’ve got to stick to.

To get our investors to see what we do, to be able to educate them about it, the opportunities, the return profile, and why it’s sustainable, to tell our story and have people be able to relate it to if they’ve only ever lived in a capital city, to understand the sophistication of these farmers we deal with and the markets that they’re engaged with. That’s why we’re going on this journey.

Overall it’s been fantastic, Philip.  We love your energy and the professionalism – and certainly you’ve been very good to deal with as far as everything being planned out and meticulous in terms of the preparation.  It’s been a delight. Thank you.”

– Kim Morrison, Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, October 2022