SafeMate AntiSlip

March-June 2016
Initially referred to SafeMate via the Australian Government’s Entrepreneurship programme, they are the inventors of Antislip, 40+ years old and suppliers to the worlds largest oil and gas, mining, infrastructure, education, hospitals and aged facilities. They asked us to tell their story and deliver them effective sales tools, the completed videos include content for SafeMate’s distributors, staff interview pieces, market specific product certification and testing videos, client testimonials and a new digital lead generation system we have developed for use at tradeshows, featuring the video content, email and effective SMS follow-up.

The complete list (20+) finished videos

Safe Mate Video - Philip Bateman and Bravo Charlie

Behind the scenes images – first up, out at SafeMate client sites;

Road Safety Grating - Philip Bateman and Bravo CharlieEngineering Products Australia - Philip Bateman and Bravo Charlie

Everyone deserves to look good!

Looking Good - Philip Bateman and Bravo Charlie

Slip testing at ATTAR - Philip Bateman and Bravo CharlieMixing For Science - Philip Bateman and Bravo Charlie

Filming in a tiny room, perfect for capturing ‘glow in the dark’ 

SafeMate Antislip Glow in the dark flooring - Philip Bateman and Bravo CharlieSafeMate Antislip Glow in the dark flooring - Philip Bateman and Bravo Charlie

With the lights off

LIghts Off - Philip Bateman and Bravo Charlie